Padma Mudra

Padma Mudra

Gesture of the Lotus

 This hand gesture which resembles the lotus flower allows us to explore unconditional love for self and others.  To experience the mudra, bring the heels of the hands together in front of the heart.  Connect the pinky fingers and the thumbs together and then let the rest of the fingers spread out like a flower.  Once you are settled in this mudra, take several breaths and allow yourself to notice the feelings and sensations that this mudra awakens.

Mudras, in general, are hand gestures that direct the energy through the body in specific ways.  In the case of Padma Mudra, the energy is directed to the heart center where we can begin to explore the qualities of the heart and let compassion and love arise naturally.

This mudra also directs breath upward in the body, making it slightly energizing and beneficial when we are feeling depressed, heavy or lethargic.

“Awakening my heart’s essential qualities, unconditional love blossoms naturally.”



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